I don't have anything against Mormons but this is just...hysterical, lol. Happy reading!
IF YOU MASTURBATE YOU WILL GO TO HELL!!!!! (By suggestion 19, I was literally crying with laughter)
(This one is fake but I thought it was funny anyway...)
OMG that is hilarious! i got halfway through the suggestions and started laughing!! XD
Hehe! Glad you enjoyed it! Yeah, tying your hand to the bed post is a "sensible" solution to stop masturbating, don't you think? Lol?
OMG. You're trying to kill a person! XD Crazy funny! Iono, proly cuz I don't like pork the pic had me a tad nauseous, can you believe it?
*shakes head & grins*
This one hits particularly close to home. I go to university in Southern Utah. I have a LOT of interaction with LDS people. I hope you will take it as a relief that... for the most part, LDS youths have progressed. They are a lot more open about sex, and liberal things than, say, five years ago. However I still occasionally find myself FUMING about the lack of sexual education in Utah high schools. Really, it's ridiculous. I get it, sex can be a sacred thing but it should NOT be a secret thing. All the negativity equated with sex is ridiculous, as it is one of the most natural human functions, along with eating and sleeping. Seriously, I have printed out diagrams for some freshmen boys here in COLLEGE of a woman's reproductive system, so I could show them what a clit is. Surprisingly, more 19 year old boys have no idea what a clitoris is than I would ever have expected. Insanity.
I have this idea, that one day, if I get rich enough, Im going to drive to every high school in Utah handing out books on sexual education so that I can liberate them from the mind cage that is the Utah lower educational system.
Southern Utah University is great though. Super liberal and low percentage of mormons.
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