
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My New Book Is Out! (Yay)

Soooooooooo yeah, my book is finally out on Amazon, 'tis my first anthology evah AND printed book! Super duper excited!

So because I love you guys so much I'm going to offer one of you a free copy on my giveaway/contest (soon to be announced). You will receive the book on Halloween since it is a horror anthology after all. This is the anthology with my short story: "Odd Orval Goes to Heaven."

So...heres the LINKY LINK where you can purchase on amazon. There's also a button on my sidebar that will take you to amazon too. I will not receive any compensation/royalties for this book, but money (or lack thereof) kinda comes with the territory of being a writer. *le sigh*

I appreciate any reviews or comments on my work--good or bad. *Big grin* Thanks guys! I'll announce the giveaway/contest rules in the following weeks. :D


TS Hendrik said...

Congratulations that sounds awesome. I love horror anthologies.

Vegetarian Cannibal said...

Thank you! I'm really excited about this book. There was soooooo much drama with the original publisher going out of business and our contracts... but I'm just glad it all worked out in the end.


Jess said...

Congratulations! Very exciting news indeed!

Vegetarian Cannibal said...

Thank you, Jess! :D

Neena said...

HUZZAH!! The cover kinda give me the heebilie jeebilies but I guess that's kinda the point, huh? XD

Congrats!!! =)

Unknown said...

^5 lovey

Vegetarian Cannibal said...

Aww, thanks guys! And yeah, the cover is very creepy. Fitting though. But creepy!

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