
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My First Single-Title Release

Oh yeah...I'm dancing in my seat, y'all! I actually missed the email from my publisher telling me that it was published two days ago. Aren't I smart? LOL? But yeah, my book is OUT, baby! W00t! My first single-title release with my own cover art and MY name on the cover! *dancing and snapping fingers* 

It's a lesbian erotic short story and it costs a little over a buck. Pretty please check it out? Here's the LINK. I'll write a "professional promo" on it over at the Sapphire Blue Blog. But for now, I'm just going to bask in my newfound success and squeal in my seat, haha! 


Erotic Horizon said...

I cant believe you misss your own release day...

Super congrats my dear - off to check it out..

Happy wednesday..


Vegetarian Cannibal said...

Yeah I know. I'm special like that. More like special ed...but special nonetheless, haha! Thanks for taking a peak, EH! :D Appreciate it!

Sarah said...

Congratulations! You've reached a goal many have but never see all the way through.
You are awesome!

Vegetarian Cannibal said...

Thanks, Sarah! :D

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